  • クウェートへの輸出
  • Export to Tajikistan
    Export to Tajikistan
    Export two machinery to Tajikistan,they are spiral duct machine and Rotary Beading Machine.The customer saw our product online and decided to visit the factory. After pleasant communication during the visit, they decided to purchase. Thank you for the customer's trust.
  • Export to Belarus
    Export to Belarus
    Export five machinery to Belarus,they are Lock Forming Machine LC-12DR,Manual Folding Machine TDF-1.5X2000 ,T-12 TDF Flange Forming Machine ,Elbow Making Machine HCY-1.2x1250 and Duct Beading Machine.After a long period of email communication,we finally reached a cooperation agreement.Thank you very much for the customer's recognition, and I also wish them a prosperous business.
  • Exporting to the Dominican Republic
    Exporting to the Dominican Republic
    Export three machinery to the Dominican Republic,they are spiral duct machine,Rolline Machine and Lock forming Machine ,At the beginning, we communicated online and the client briefly explained their needs.We have sent product videos according to the customer's needs.The customer was very satisfied with our product, so they chose our company and purchased a spiral air duct machine.
  • Export to France
    Export to France
    Export two machinery to France,they are spiral duct machine and Elbow Making Machine.After a long period of email communication,we finally reached a cooperation agreement.Thank you very much for the customer's recognition, and I also wish them a prosperous business.
  • Export to Chile
    Export to Chile
    Export five machinery to Chile,they are Air duct production line 4,Corner Code Assembly Machine,Vertical Hydraulic Seam Closing Machine,Corner code production line and Round Duct Stitch Welding Machine.After a long period of email communication,we finally reached a cooperation agreement.Thank you very much for the customer's recognition, and I also wish them a prosperous business.
  • 米国への輸出
    輸出 五 機械工s アメリカへ,彼らです h油圧式 h水平の fランギング fオーミング m痛み,rウンド dうーん e電気的な e肘 m王様 m痛み、電気鋼アングルローラー曲げ機,ピッツバーグロック成形機,そして dうーん pネウマチック f老いた machine.クライアント様、ご協力頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。私たちは彼らのビジネスが今後も繁栄し続けることを願っています。
  • Export to Kyrgyzstan
    Export to Kyrgyzstan
    Export five machinery to Kyrgyzstan,they are HCY-1.2 spiral duct forming machine,Electric Shearing Machine,Manual Folding Machine,Rotary Beading Machine and Pittsburgh Lock Forming Machine.The customer paid a 30% deposit in advance, and then visited the factory in July to learn how to operate and use the machinery. On the same day, the final payment was made. Thank you for the customer's trust, and we hope the customer's financial resources will continue to grow.
  • UAEへの輸出
    エクスポートf私は 機械に アラブ首長国連邦、彼らです スパイラルダクト成形機、半自動 dうーん e電気的な e肘 m王様 機械、ピッツバーグ ロック成形機、TDF fランゲ m王様 m痛み そして m毎年恒例 f老いた m痛み長い電子メールでのやり取りを経て、ようやく協力合意に達しました。お客様の評価に感謝するとともに、お客様の事業の繁栄をお祈りしております。
  • Export  to Switzerland
    Export to Switzerland
    Export a press brake to Switzerland,The customer cooperated with us last year and purchased duct processing products. This year's business expansion requires a press brake. After considering a pleasant cooperation with our company, they continued to choose us and purchased press brake. Thank you for the customer's support.
  • Export to Tanzania
    Export to Tanzania
    Export four machinery to Tanzania,they are Five lines Beading Machine,folding machine,pittsburgh lock forming machine,and TDF Flange Forming Machine.After a long period of email communication,we finally reached a cooperation agreement.Thank you very much for the customer's recognition, and I also wish them a prosperous business.
  • Export to Cambodia
    Export to Cambodia
    Export three machines to Cambodia,one Electric Rolling Machine and two Rotary Beading Machines.The communication was very pleasant, and the transaction and order were placed within a week. Thank you for the customer's support and trust, and I hope the customer continues to improve.
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の合計 5ページ


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